Proceeds from one-time donations and annual membership subscriptions directly underwrite Texas Jazz Society’s core performance, education, and advocacy initiatives, including concerts at Parker Jazz Club and educational programs that bring jazz into the lives of young people and adults each year. These programs are made possible with the generous support of our donors.

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  • If you have an existing PayPal account, log in to complete the transaction

  • If you do not have a PayPal account, simply check out as a guest and pay with a debit or credit card

If you’d prefer to make a donation to Texas Jazz Society through Venmo, click the button below to pay @texasjazzsociety:

To keep jazz alive and thriving, Texas Jazz Society has partnered with Parker Jazz Club to provide an avenue for jazz musicians to earn working wages while sharing their art

Proceeds from one-time donations and annual membership subscriptions directly underwrite Texas Jazz Society’s core performance, education, and advocacy initiatives, including concerts at Parker Jazz Club and educational programs that bring jazz into the lives of young people and adults each year. These programs are made possible with the generous support of our donors.